Monday, May 2, 2011

Experiment 2-Horizontal windows vs views

Taking the geometries of the final design on experiment 1, i then placed these in their original positions relative to where they sit in elevation. Then I extruded there percieved views inwards to give an idea of how the new geometries of the windows would affect the views into the house this is what i found.

Experiment 3 -Circulation

For each floor I firstly drew the main circulations methods, then for each level I used a different method to map these circulations. In level 1 I mapped the main circulation feature which is the ramp and showed this through the change in height. In level 2 i extruded the negative spaces around the circulation to show the route of circulation. And in level 3 I extruded the circulation route itself to show the route. This shows a different way of looking at these circulations on each level.